When you don’t have an “Israel», where will you run?

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When you don’t have an “Israel», where will you run?

От редакции. Предыстория статьи Валерии такова: однажды она увидела картинку в фейсбуке… Два весе-лых крутых молодых человека воодушевленно демонстрируют миру повешенного еврея. Маленького, жалкого, в волосах бантики, глаза выпучены, руки в крови. Такой вот комикс, выставленный на всеобщее обозрение. Вам не смешно?

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DJ3_6zJVwAEzpcVВалерии тоже было не смешно, особенно когда она узнала мнение Фейсбука свое мнение по поводу такой картинки. Ответ фейсбуковской команды (напомним фамилию создателя – г. Цукерберг) дан под картинкой на английском, но достоин перевода: «Большое спасибо, что вы нас проинформировали. И хотя мы, посмотрев картинку, не нашли в ней ничего, что противоречило бы нашим общинным стандартам, мы благодарим вас за информацию. Мы понимаем, что это может казаться вам обидным или безвкусным, так что мы постараемся, чтобы в будущем вы видели меньше таких имиджей». И далее идут советы, как заблокировать то, чего не хочешь видеть.

army_photos_0003_Layer-192Понимаете, в будущем они постараются не делать так, чтобы не допустить антисемитских картинок на ФБ, не допустить разжигания национальной розни, нет! Они постараются cделать так, чтобы вы не видели таких картинок!

1444314_originalА вот зададим гипотетический вопрос: что ответил бы ФБ, если бы на картинке вешали не еврея, а, например, мусульманина или негра. Вы можете себе представить, какой разгорелся бы пожар и какие обвинения полились бы в адрес автора картинки?!

Конечно, создателям комикса хочется представить еврея миру именно таким – жалким и ничтожным, не стоящим сожаления. Им бы не подошли вот эти фотографии, данные ниже, хотя на одной из них тоже ортодоксальный еврей. Нет, такие евреи совсем не нравятся создателям комиксов. Очевидно, и г-ну Цукербергу не нравятся. А почему? Потому что мир может еще пожалеть мальчишку с желтой звездой на груди, которого ведут в газовую камеру под автоматами. Пожалеть могут. Не спасти, конечно, – зачем же? Но этот же мир не может простить, что другой мальчик вырос, стал мужчиной, взял в руки оружие, что он умеет защищаться и не пойдет своими ногами в газовую камеру. Вот это уже непозволительно, не так ли, господа антисемиты-либералы?

sobaki_i_koshki_na_rukah_voennyih_104Статья Валерии Собел написана, как нам кажется, именно под влиянием таких чувств.

Being part of the tiny 0.01%, I do. But what about the rest, the 78.99 %? (The second number has been adjusted to exclude Muslims).

No second home? No plan «B»?

For 2000 years, Jews dispersed around the world, exiled from their ancestral home by everyone: the Greeks, the Assyrians, the Ottomans, the Romans, the Babylonians, etc, etc. They scattered around the globe like gypsies: one stream to the German-French Rhineland, to Central Europe, Russia, Eastern Europe and Western Europe, known as Ashkenazic Jews. Another stream to the Iberian Peninsula, to the rim of Africa, to Iran, and to the Arabian Peninsula. Colloquially, this branch of Jewish family is often referred to as Sephardic Jews. Both, found themselves executed and persecuted on every soil they stepped on.

In good times, Jews were merely tolerated. In bad times, they were slaughtered, sending them on a perpetual run around the planet.

There are only just under 14 million Jews today, living in over 102 countries, speaking 8 main languages: English, Hebrew, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Farsi and Arabic. There are others including Romanian, Hungarian, Italian, German, Turkish, and Amharic. The largest Jewish population centers today are in Israel, the United States, Russia, France, Canada, the UK, and Argentina. And, yes, even in Germany, after that nation began the «buying» of Russian Jewry back in the early 1980s.

Much of today’s Jewish map was shaped by events in the middle of the last century. First, the total expulsion of Jews from all Arab lands in the 1930-1960s, to the tune of just under 900,00. Their crime was they were Jewish and could no longer be tolerated by Islam. Second, the mass exodus of Soviet Jewry to Israel and western countries in the 1970-1990s, due to Soviet abuses and systematic discrimination. And last but not least, most notable of them all, the German genocide known as «The Shoah”.

After the worst tragedy on planet earth, the world reluctantly labored a decision and finally acquiesced to give the Jews something. But what?

Since no country wanted to absorb the living skeleton remains of the oldest living civilization on earth, with proclamations such as «None is too many!» (by the Canadian government), ….with ships of survivors rejected from docking at western ports, only to sail back to Germany where all onboard were promptly murdered… and with “Exodus 1947” a ship full of survivors from France making an impossible journey to the shores of ancestral Palestine, only to be denied entry, food & medical supplies, turned around to go back to Europe by the British Royal Navy… what was to be done?

3-Haifa-portNot until that swampy and deserty tiny plot of land, where not one tree grew, was officially rejected (twice!) by the Arabs as a state of their own, did the question of modern Israel arise. Kind of like: «We don’t want these people (the Jews), but here’s a desolate parcel of land no one else wants either – let’s give them that.» And, heaven forbid, should the Jews have been given that land in its ancestral entirety! Partially, of course, leaving strategic parts of ancestral Israel in the hands of the Arabs (Golan Heights, Judea and Samaria).

But the Jews rejoiced, anyway. Since declaring national independence, they continue to kiss the regained sacred ground of their forefathers, their graves, their kings, their temples and religion, and consider it a major miracle that they are able to live and thrive on that miniscule plot of desert no one wanted prior to 1948.

Israel was born for the second time as a result of the Balfour Declaration, forming an official Jewish State in April of 1948, with a population of approx. 800,000. Today, after 7 decades of making the desert blossom with scientific advances, environmental innovations, untold artistic and academic accolades and achievements, highest per capital Nobel Prizes, the country hosts just over 7 Million people, 5 Million of whom are Jews. And yes, more trees per capita, than any other nation. This, in a desert where the seeds of all plants had to be imported, and the seeds of 70 lb skeletons, barely breathing, had to rise from the ashes of European hell.

Israel has a policy of being a home for its family, the diaspora family of Jews, to which I’m lucky enough to belong to. If you are Jewish, Israel is and always will be your home, where you can always find protective haven, no questions asked.

This, the diaspora knows well. If push comes to shove, (and it will, history predicts it indubitably), even the leftist Jews (with more censure for Israel than love) will speedily flock to Israel. Some Jewish families have already bought real estate there. Others have standby pilots ready to go on a moment’s notice. French Jews emigrated there in droves, escaping the imminent and complete Islamification of France. Argentinian Jews are now calling Israel home, too. Ethiopian Jews, rescued from Islamic enslavement and terror by Israel decades ago, are flourishing in the land of milk and honey. British Jews are slowing making their way, too. When they have to run – they run to Israel, that beacon of civility and protection from a continues cycle of Jew-hatred rotating through the globe. Only this time, for the first time in history, Jews have a home to run to.

Anyone doubting the words «history repeats itself”, just look at the Facebook post below. Pay closer attention to Facebook’s response if you’re still on the fence. These are the exact pictorials produced by Nazi Germany in the 1930s, and they were allowed to be circulated through the media, just like these on Facebook.

As much as the Islamification of the world poses wide-sweeping and immediate danger to the Jews, it is no less perilous to the non-Jews. We’re all equally infidel-ic and deserve the knife of Allah, as instructed by Sharia. Sheer empirical evidence and statistics tell us it is so. And it has nothing to do with fanning “islamophobia” or how many nice Muslims you know. It has to do with the statistical 15% radicalization rate in Islam. And even more to do with the 85% silent complicity rate. Silent complicity – the root of all evil, embedded in the teachings of the Koran: the call for jihad by the 26th Prophet which takes ultimate precedence over all else offered in the book, by the very definition of Islam. Hence, they stay silent, and they always will. Western beliefs that this can somehow change is rooted in total lack of Islamic scholarship, or even basic literacy of the Koran. But more importantly, that desperate and innocuous need for equality, inclusion and acceptance of everyone, is what keeps us looking the other way and hoping for the best. Only, in this case, it’s far from innocuous.

Just as Europe said nothing when 6 Million perished at the hands of an evil ideology, billions of “enlightened” across the world say nothing today when an equally evil ideology (fascist to the core) is sweeping the world. Nothing changes.

So where will you run? If you don’t have an «Israel»?

Absolutely nowhere. Save your country while you still can. Vote liberalism out: your first obligation to yourself, your children and your country.

Valerie SOBEL

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