Our future is bright, comrades

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Our future is bright, comrades

So, as of today, in California, if you work in Healthcare and test positive for Covid, you can go to work “immediately.” But not if you are unvaccinated, healthy and do not have covid; you get fired.

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Good thing our government spent another 3 billion dollars of your money on more PCR tests now that CDC has taken away its emergency approval of these tests, they are so inaccurate. Please do test often anyway, no worries as to result, it does not really matter for anyone anymore, we only care if you obeyed and jabbed, not that you are actually sick.

Cloth mask is ” facial decoration” per CDC experts now, but good thing our kids have been wearing these all day for the last 18 months, including for outdoor school sports. Hey, your asthma is not an excuse, kid, pull up your mask, you are saving humanity here.

In fact, remember we told you ” millions may die” of Covid and we reported 830,000 Covid deaths? We were actually kidding, per new CDC report today, only 50,000 died OF Covid vs WITH Covid. It was a white lie for your own benefit, how else would we get you jabbed to flatten the curve and slow the spread?

And ya, we asked Facebook and Twitter to help our country out and ban all Covid misinformation super spreaders; after all nothing is more dangerous than publishing official CDC stats showing near 0 deaths, excessive free hospital capacities and super mild symptoms in the sick ones. Talk about kittens, would you? Safety first.

Hmm… you ask which one of the three vaccines is the best to slow the spread? Good question. With 900,000 new Covid cases a day mostly among the vaccinated , it is important you get the right one.

I am glad our government took care of the Covid issue, hope they tackle more pressing problems this year, they did it so well with Covid.

CA is contemplating 167 billion in new income taxes on you to create a single payer government health care system for all Californians. You are not ready for 20% state tax? Because of egotists like you, people are dying, you know.

Indeed, California state government has done an expert job with housing, homelessness, crime, unemployment fund, public pension liabilities, high speed rail, DMV, hey the list of glaring achievements goes on and on.

I am glad they are onto healthcare now. Our future is bright, comrades.

Maria Rutenburg

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