Open letter to SCU President and SCU community

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Open letter to SCU President and SCU community

An assistant director of Campus Safety Loretto participated in a school Zoom meeting. Ironically, the meeting was dedicated to diversity. A Thin Blue Line postcard size flag was visible in the back-ground. A number of students said the flag is a “symbol of white supremacy” and got offended by its display. While students’ ignorance, intolerance, and lack of respect were quite apparent by their reaction, It is the university’s response that was the most appalling.

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Office of the President

Santa Clara University

500 El Camino Real 

Santa Clara, CA 95053

October 31, 2020

A group of officials from the SCU President’s cabinet issued the following statement:

“The assistant director of Cam. Safety Service (CSS) participated in the event with a postcard on a bookshelf behind him that is widely considered to be an effort to undermine the Black Lives Matter movement and its universally important goals. We deeply apologize for this incident and the hurt it has caused…..Black Lives Matter.” (BLM).

We are a group of SCU alumnus and members of the SCU community. We are Christian, Jewish and Latino Americans of very diverse national origins.  We are saddened by SCU’s disregard for its century’s long mission to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience and compassion in the best traditions of Jesuit Education.

Per Wikipedia, “Thin Blue Line is a term that typically refers to the concept of the police as the line which keeps society from descending into violent chaos…”  Per Thin Blue Line USA President Andrew Jacob, “The flag has no association with racism, hatred, bigotry.”  “It’s a flag to show support for law enforcement—no politics involved.” The flag  was created decades before BLM and is universally recognized as a symbol of law and order. SCU clearly does not support the Thin Blue Line flag and what it stands for.

At the same time, Black Lives Matter Global Network, Inc. has been involved in some highly controversial civic actions this year with quite a few of their leaders advocating for and participating in violence. Also, at least two of the BLM founders openly espouse Marxism and do not rule out violent overthrow of our government. All three BLM founders made multiple anti-Semitic statements. SCU openly supports and promotes BLM.

SCU principles say that its “commitment to academic freedom is unwavering.”  It claims to “welcome an inclusive community of students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni, a community that is enriched by people of different backgrounds, respectful of the dignity of all its members.” Apparently, diversity of opinion is not welcome and freedom of thought only extends to the thoughts SCU likes. Mr. Loretto’s dignity has not been respected, nor was his thoughts. In fact, the complaining students and staff did not dignify him by approaching him directly and instead chose to go behind his back trying to get him fired. Preparing for our campus action today, we have reached out to a number of current SCU students. While many supported us and expressed disappointment with SCU’s approach, none dared to do so in public. Unfortunately, the culture of intellectual intolerance that comes from SCU’s president’s office has a chilling effect on the campus discourse and ultimately impoverishes all students.

In university’s written commitment to students, SCU promises “ to challenge students— intellectually, spiritually, aesthetically, morally, socially, and physically—preparing them for leadership and service to the common good in their professional, civic, and personal lives.”  University leadership clearly missed a great teaching opportunity to challenge the students and engage them in an important academic debate. Instead, SCU chose to censor and apologize where neither response was warranted. In fact, SCU allowed itself to be used as a handy tool for a rapidly shrinking but still the most intimidating group on SCU campus, BLM. There is a little hope that a university that refuses to lead can actually raise capable leaders.

The best teachers are the ones whose political opinions are not known to their students. The best university is the one that encourages free, robust and respectful exchange of all ideas. We have gathered today in front of the SCU Mission to proudly display the Back the Blue flag in a humble hope that one day our beloved university will renew its commitment to its century’s long tradition of tolerance, liberalism, intellectual diversity and respect for every member of its diverse community.


Maria Drozdova 

SCU ‘97, SCU Law ’08 

Julia Sullivan 

SCU ‘97

От редакции: Это письмо написано двумя выпускницами Президенту католического университета в Санта-Кларе. Причина письма крайне печальна: во время встречи по Zoom (кстати, посвященной этнокультурному разнообразию) студенты увидели, что на полке позади заместителя директора университета по безопасности  г. Лоретто стоит небольшой, размером с открытку, флажок, символизирующий полицию. Студенты возмутились, посчитав это символом белого расизма.

Реакция администрации университета – они извиняются перед студентами и соглашаются с тем, что это подрывает идеалы движения Черные жизни важны.

Между тем флаг полиции США  никоим образом никогда не был символом расизма. Это символ Закона и Порядка. А вот крайне противоречивые действия, нарушение порядка движением Черные жизни важны, их нескрываемая марксистская направленность и агрессия никак не получили оценки администрации университета.

Это постыдное и трусливое поведение руководства подрывает основы образования, формирования независимого мышления, свободы слова и дискуссии, которые по идее должны были развиваться у студентов.

Лучшие учителя – это те, кто вдохновляет студентов на дискуссии по самым разным и часто болезненным проблемам, кто стоит за интеллектуальную свободу, а не те, кто идет на поводу у студентов.

Maria Rutenburg

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