Greta Thunberg surveillance drones

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Greta Thunberg surveillance drones

Democratic States Deploy Greta Thunberg Drones To Lecture People Who Go Outside

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U.S.—Several Democrat-controlled states have released new Greta Thunberg surveillance drones into the wild to lecture people who go outside.

The drones include a camera to catch people going outside and a screen playing a Greta Thunberg lecture. They fly along beaches and hover over parks, shouting and chasing off people who try to have a little fun or live without fear.

“How dare you! You are robbing me of my dreams and my childhood!” one drone shouted at a couple hanging out on a California beach, though they were hundreds of feet away from anyone else. “You have stolen everything from me! EVERYTHING!”

Some models of the drones are also equipped with tasers that shock people and chase them back into their homes while Greta warns about global warming, coronavirus fears, and the need to submit to the coming one-world government. “I am an expert! Fear me! Listen to me about everything!”

The number of drones being shot out of the sky has gone way up in most of these states, except in California where you can’t buy a gun.

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