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Are you a Jew?
With Israel hit by yet another wave of jihad and the war in Ukraine dragging on, it's getting harder and harder to ignore the Jewish question du jour: Why, as Jews, can't we feel for both Israel and Ukraine? Is it so cruel not to understand why people can show love and concern for both?
Freedom Convoys
3pm Sunday. Ottawa, the Ambassador bridge. Truckers are getting pulled out of their cars and arrested one by one… meanwhile, in Paris, French police kicked, tackled, and tear gassed hundreds of protesters, including children, leaving a few in critical condition. Macron is calling in tanks to protect Paris.
Enjoy the Show – SCOTUS
So, Breyer took one for the team and is checking out in June. Let the nomination games begin. Biden already said that the new nominee will be an African American woman and that "they" will be of "extraordinary qualifications." In other words, another intellectual giant of Sotomayor's proportions.
Plebs and Important People
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of dining one table away from Redwood City outgoing mayor and City Council member Diane Howard. I did not seize on the chance to thank her for her service as mayor of Redwood city during the last two turbulent years as I could not help but notice her naked face.
Who is “deceased British national”?
The jihadist who took Jewish people hostage at the synagogue in Texas is 44-year-old British passport holder Malik Faisal Akram. The rabbi of the synagogue was Islam embracing, anti- Israel activist all for building bridges with Islam. Yes, many Jewish rabbis are dedicated to tikkun olam/communist ideas to the point of endangering their shuls.
Our future is bright, comrades
So, as of today, in California, if you work in Healthcare and test positive for Covid, you can go to work "immediately." But not if you are unvaccinated, healthy and do not have covid; you get fired.
Enough is Enough
News today: Voting Rights Act is dead. There is absolutely nothing democrats can accomplish this year in Congress or Senate.
GOP exodus
GOP is dead. It committed suicide in the courts, in the state legislatures, in Congress. And yet, the war for the soul of this country continues and we have no choice but to fight on.
Antifa did it
The protest was 100% peaceful at 1 and at 2 and up to almost 4pm. Antifa broke the windows and the door at about that time and started pillaging. So, those who told you that but for the violence Pence, Cruz and Loeffler would have come through for us are lying to you.
Open letter to SCU President and SCU community
An assistant director of Campus Safety Loretto participated in a school Zoom meeting. Ironically, the meeting was dedicated to diversity. A Thin Blue Line postcard size flag was visible in the back-ground. A number of students said the flag is a “symbol of white supremacy” and got offended by its display. While students’ ignorance, intolerance,…
“We win they loose”
To those of my self-professed centrist friends who believe that a sarcastic smirk at the word Trump gives you the air of sophistication, cool-headedness and moral superiority. I feel for you, TDS is real, it hurts and will be with us much longer than Covid. As with other pre-existing conditions, Trump's health reform will help…