“We win they loose”
To those of my self-professed centrist friends who believe that a sarcastic smirk at the word Trump gives you the air of sophistication, cool-headedness and moral superiority. I feel for you, TDS is real, it hurts and will be with us much longer than Covid. As with other pre-existing conditions, Trump’s health reform will help you with that.
Please understand our position. We are not crazy to do parades, caravans, and rallies. We are not idle to spend a tremendous time on politics now at the expense of other important things. We are adults who are in a fight of our lives, however hard it is for you to understand the magnitude of what is at stake here and the scale of this fight.

Photo: J. Sundeyeva
California has always been a harbinger of things to come. Our loonies did something and the rest of the states slowly followed. Well, California is a war zone now as our long ruling Democratic Party has gone above and beyond what you have ever fathomed conceivable in an American State. From the most devastating and longest lockdowns in the US, to forest fires that burned the whole regions and sprung from the decades of neglect and a wrongful environmental policies combined with PG&E’s criminal actions, to rolling blackouts worthy of a third-world county, to religious persecutions, to the abuse of school age children by shutting down their schools, unbridled reign of teacher’s and public service unions fully obliged by all levels of local and state gov’ts, to the war on small businesses, to homeless crisis ….I do not even mention disintegration of the higher education, curriculum revisions, state affirmative action proposals, reparations to “slaves”, requirement to have illegals, women and now sexual or racial minorities on the boards of public companies, etc. The list goes on. The result is a massive exodus of the crème de la crème that will forever change the character of this state. What was once a golden prosperous paradise has turned into a socialist dump ridden with homeless, crime and ugliness.
So, yes, we are fighting hard as this is a civil war of the 21st century. The war has losers and winners, enemies and friends.
I can forgive people who cannot bring themselves to vote for Trump. You do not like him, but are not a Marxist, well, do not vote. But I will not forgive or forget those who sided with the enemy, i.e. the current Democratic Party that stands for the destruction of everything dear to me.
Now, those lovely centrists like to think that both sides moved with Republicans moving more to the right and Democrats moving to the left. I have analyzed Republican Party line from Reagan on and except a stronger support of Israel I do not see any major change in the Republican platform in the last 40 years. Yet, it would be hard to deny that Democratic Party, from once being a party of Kennedy, has become a party of communist leaning socialists.
See those Trump demonstrations sweeping California? We do not deface, loot or destroy. But we remember and we judge. We can forgive your disdain for politics, but if you are on the democratic side, you are an enemy. As the policies you advocate for by your democratic vote will bring down my liberties, my prosperity, and my happiness.
As Reagan said it, “we win they loose,” there is no other outcome in a war.
Maria Rutenburg