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  • San Francisco in one day. Mission Is possible!

    While waiting for my flight at the airport I overheard a conversation. Passengers next to me were excited and complaining at the same time. Both of them were heading to San Francisco and regretting only having one day to spend there. I silently thanked them and started writing this article on the napkin (the only…

  • По проселочной дороге в прошлый век

    Все произошло за долю секунды. Как в Голливудских фильмах. Еду, соблюдая скорость, в машине играет затертая до дыр запись Земфиры. И вдруг, откуда не возьмись, полевая белка несется прямо под колесо машины. Узкая проселочная дорога в 2 полосы, я, машина слева и сзади. Легкий удар и трупик животного отлетает в сторону… Я в слезы. Съехала…

  • Utah and Arizona Canyons

    Do you enjoy hiking? Do you like gorgeous views of the wildlife and natural beauties that mother Earth has to offer?  Perhaps you desire those beautiful perfect pictures that you can only take in the wild? If so, Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, and Antelope Canyon are calling your name! With a group of friends…

  • 10 Places I love In N.Y.C.

    A hundred times have I thought New York is a catastrophe, and fifty times: It is a beautiful catastrophe.   – Le Corbusier   There are some things in life you should try (like travelling!), some skills you need to have (like swimming!), and some cities you must visit – New York is certainly one of…

  • Baby Animals in Petting Zoo

      Ever dreamed of feeding a baby tiger or petting a Black Panther cub? Think it is too much to ask? Think again! Because it’s real! Small provincial town Bandon, Oregon has a unique petting zoo with all kinds of tiny fur balls to play with. The place is called West Coast Game Park Safari,…

  • Мексиканские каникулы

    Я и обе мои подруги живем на границе с  Мексикой, в Южной Калифорнии.  В приграничные районы Мексики мы ездили, но не дальше. Самое время это исправить! О Мехико Сити мы наслушались много пугающих историй, то тем не менее отважились поехать туда на 6 дней. Поскольку мы живем близко к границе, решили сэкономить на билетах и…

  • How to spend summer in Alaska for FREE

         Is living off the grid something that you have had on your bucket list? Have you ever thought about doing it? This thought has crossed my mind a lot. One day I, a typical city girl, decided that it has to be now or never and booked my one way flight to Alaska.…

  • Florida’s iconic road trip: from Fort Lauderdale to Key West

    Our trip to Florida was a much wanted and longtime desired vocation. We packed light (you won’t need much clothing in July!), covered up with sunscreen, and headed to the Alligator Land. Shortly after stepping out from the airport the heat wave welcomed us in Fort Lauderdale. July is most definitely not the best time…